What we have learned in the past decade: RTI’s approach to early grade literacy instructionA paper describes the core elements that we have found to improve early grade literacy instruction and learner outcomes: the approach to teaching, the availability of quality, relevant learner materials, the effective use of instructional time, the use of formative assessment to guide instruction, and provision of instruction in the most effective language. This paper focuses on the acquisition of literacy in alphabetic and alphasyllabic languages in the early primary years (most typically, academic levels 1 through 3) and the kinds of exposures, instruction, and support learners need to become fully literate. These are the elements of a literacy program that can be taught, that should be present in teaching and learning materials and in teacher trainings, and that relate specifically to what happens in a classroom.https://admin.jet.org.za/clearinghouse/projects/primted/resources/language-and-literacy-resources-repository/14124740_rti_approach_early_grade_literacy_instruction.pdf/viewhttps://admin.jet.org.za/clearinghouse/projects/primted/resources/language-and-literacy-resources-repository/14124740_rti_approach_early_grade_literacy_instruction.pdf/@@download/image/RTI_Approach_Early_Grade_Literacy_Instruction.jpg
What we have learned in the past decade: RTI’s approach to early grade literacy instruction
A paper describes the core elements that we have found to improve early grade literacy instruction and learner outcomes: the approach to teaching, the availability of quality, relevant learner materials, the effective use of instructional time, the use of formative assessment to guide instruction, and provision of instruction in the most effective language. This paper focuses on the acquisition of literacy in alphabetic and alphasyllabic languages in the early primary years (most typically, academic levels 1 through 3) and the kinds of exposures, instruction, and support learners need to become fully literate. These are the elements of a literacy program that can be taught, that should be present in teaching and learning materials and in teacher trainings, and that relate specifically to what happens in a classroom.