CLOUD Connecting Leaders Online for University Digital Transformation - Issue 07

Transforming higher education for lifelong learning: How are micro-credentials evolving?

We are delighted to announce the release of the 7th issue of CLOUD magazine, published by the International Centre for Higher Education Innovation under the auspices of UNESCO. This magazine serves as a platform for connecting professionals in global higher education, facilitating the exchange of knowledge, project updates, data and best practices concerning the digital transformation of higher education worldwide.

JET’s  CEO, James Keevy, JET Researcher, Carla Pereira, as well as former JET Executive Manager, Kelly Shiohira have contributed an article titled “Beyond the Micro in Micro-credentials: Implications for Low- and Middle-Income Countries,” featured on pages 17-20 of the magazine. 

In their discussion, they highlight that many Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) are currently grappling with establishing a framework for micro-credentials. Several initiatives are currently underway in LMICs, often in partnership with more developed countries, to address this area. An important feature unique to LMICs is the opportunity micro-credentials offer to address long-standing concerns of overly bureaucratic and formalised systems that are more difficult for citizens to navigate.

Read the full magazine here.