We look back on 2024 as a momentous year – for the world, our country and JET.
While as an organisation we faced some difficulties, we worked hard to fulfil our vision and met with some notable successes along the way. See our Annual Report 2023 for more details.
At the start of 2024, we began planning our new strategy for the next three years. Our innovative approach for this task culminated in our new strategy, Embracing our neXt, designed purposefully to future-proof JET. We continue to strengthen our work in foundational and early learning, teacher education and interoperability, amongst others. And we will increase and improve our innovative work and applications, utilising artificial intelligence and educational technology to support and complement learning. Further, our new approaches to organisational design and ways of working should contribute to our agility and attract diversity and expertise, including creating a workplace where Gen Zs want to work and co-create.
We also took the decision to leave our home of 10 years, the Education Hub in Parktown, Johannesburg. A changing work environment meant that the building was no longer fit-for-purpose, and we have found new, scaled-down premises at 18 Glenhove Road, Melrose Estate, near Rosebank in Johannesburg.
Our year culminated in receiving the Investors in People Best International Employer of 2024 award in the Silver category. This achievement belongs to all who work at JET. We also thank the JET Board for contributing to this achievement.
As is our custom, we include some ‘holiday reading’ with our message. This year, we are happy to share the Teacher Internship Collaboration South Africa (TICZA) Practice & Research Digest. The Digest, published by JET and edited by James Keevy, Judy Tate and Vanencia Chiloane, comprises contributions from the wide range of education sector stakeholders who are partners in TICZA and are involved in extended student teacher internships (ESTIs) as a way to improve teacher education in South Africa. The digest is divided into four sections, addressing the policy impact of ESTIs, partnerships for their implementation, their sustainability, and the innovations driving them. We hope you find the contributions stimulating.
We wish you a happy holiday and look forward to fruitful collaborations in 2025.
Watch our Embracing the neXt video here, showcasing JET’s journey, new strategy and commitment to being Africa’s leading educational think-do tank.