New Publication: Barriers to Effective Labour Mobility in the African Leather Industry
The research study on Barriers to Effective Labour Mobility in the African Leather Industry has been published. The study conducted by the International Labour Organization (ILO) Joint Labour Migration Programme (JLMP) Priority in 2021 and published by JLMP Action in 2024 aims to identify and analyse the barriers to effective labour mobility within the African leather industry. This report assesses the challenges faced by migrant workers and explores opportunities for enhancing labour mobility through recognition of prior learning (RPL) interventions. By examining case studies from various countries, including South Africa and Kenya, the study provides valuable insights and policy implications that seek to improve the employment conditions and rights of low-skilled migrant workers in the sector.
In-country researchers: Amarech Mekonnen (Ethiopia), Lyn Kouadio (Côte d’Ivoire), Gloriose Umuziranenge (Rwanda), Thomas Yeboah (Ghana), Tshepo Baloyi (South Africa), Nathi Chonco (South Africa), Jimmy Slingers (South Africa) and Deborah Hunt (South Africa).
Reviewer: Emmerentia Erasmus
Editing: Maureen Mosselson (JET Education Services)
Read the research study here