World Teachers Day 2024

World Teachers’ Day 2024 is centred around the theme, "Valuing Teacher Voices: Towards a New Social Contract for Education,"

World Teachers’ Day 2024 is centred around the theme, "Valuing Teacher Voices: Towards a New Social Contract for Education," reminding us of the critical role that educators' play in shaping the future. JET is able to optimise innovation and evidence-based solutions towards quality education through independent and credible research, implementation and M&E.

A look at some of the recent work JET is involved in that reflects our commitment to ensuring that teachers’ voices are not just heard, but amplified:

➡️The Primary Teacher Education (PrimTEd) origins lie in the concern that the country’s teacher training institutions – the universities – were not teaching prospective primary school teachers how to teach reading and writing and mathematics adequately. Learn more:

➡️Teacher Internship Collaboration South Africa (TICZA) emerged as an innovative vehicle that brings together government, academia, the private sector and implementers in order to drive innovation and continuous improvement in the delivery of teacher internship programmes. Learn more:

➡️Teacher Choices in Action (TCiA) was conceptualised as a mechanism for preparing students for work-based learning in innovative and theoretically informed ways, for developing high quality research and for building research capacity in the teacher education sector. Learn more:

➡️The Initial Teacher Education Research Project (ITERP) focused on exploring issues around teacher professionalism and how teachers are being prepared to enter the educational labour market. Learn more:

"Let's push for a new social contract for education that prioritises teachers' insights, well-being, and professional growth, paving the way for a brighter tomorrow."