Community Service in Higher Education: A Concept Paper
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Balancing Support and Accountability to Improve School Performance: Conference Proceedings of the National Consultation on School Development
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District Development - The New Hope for Educational Reform
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Mapping School Reform Initiatives in South Africa: An Overview of 12 School Reform Projects. Research on School Development Study
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An Audit of JET-funded Early Childhood Development Projects 1994/95
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Differentiating Our Effort: Current Interventions In School Development In South Africa: What Works In School Development?
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Accountability and Support in School Development in South Africa
Paper presented to the 4th Sub-regional Conference on Assessment in Eduction, 26-30 June 2006 Taylor N. (2006). Hosted by UMALUSI.
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Changes in Education Since 1994
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Education Scenarios for 2019
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How Can School Performance be Improved?
Taylor N. (2007). Presentation to the Imbewu Programme Review Conference, Port Elizabeth, 25-28 June 2007
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