New JET Bulletin: Standardised learner assessments in "affordable" independent schools in South Africa.
In recognition of the increase in the numbers of affordable independent schools in South Africa, JET has been assisting four school operators and Old Mutual Alternative Investments’ Schools Fund to use standardised assessments to improve educational quality and accountability in their schools. Bulletin MAY 2018 WEB.jpg
New JET Bulletin: Standardised learner assessments in "affordable" independent schools in South Africa.
In recognition of the increase in the numbers of affordable independent schools in South Africa, JET has been assisting four school operators and Old Mutual Alternative Investments’ Schools Fund to use standardised assessments to improve educational quality and accountability in their schools.
JET Bulletin May 2018 includes short articles reflecting a range of views and various aspects of JET’s collaboration with some of the key partners. Read JET Bulletin May 2018