TICZA Digest
Practice & Research Digest: This compilation of short papers aims to present a reflective opportunity for the wide range of stakeholders and actors involved in TICZA as well as, more broadly, for the different actors involved in teacher internships in Africa and internationally. Editors: James Keevy, Judy Tate and Vanencia Chiloane
https://admin.jet.org.za/resources/ticza-digest.pdf/@@download/image/TICZA Digest Final_Web (1)-001.png
TICZA Digest
Practice & Research Digest: This compilation of short papers aims to present a reflective opportunity for the wide range of stakeholders and actors involved in TICZA as well as, more broadly, for the different actors involved in teacher internships in Africa and internationally. Editors: James Keevy, Judy Tate and Vanencia Chiloane