TICZA Community of Practice (CoPs) 2024: Integrated Report

The TICZA Community of Practice (CoP) is a programme element in the TICZA workstream ‘Sector- Wide Collaboration’. The purpose of this stream is to (i) deepen collaboration and knowledge sharing amongst stakeholders and implementing partners (IPs), leading to shared lessons and improved network relationships and partnerships among TICZA members; and (ii) develop shared resources that can be adapted and integrated into programme delivery to enhance system alignment. TICZA CoPs are a collaborative mechanism through which stakeholders share knowledge and practice, discuss key initial teacher education (ITE) issues and expand the evidence base on student- teacher internship models. CoP reports capture a range of inputs and shared insights which feed into the TICZA project; TICZA partners are expected to leverage and integrate these views into TICZA plans and workstreams.