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For over three decades, JET has worked with government and the public sector, civil society organisations, local and international development agencies and educational institutions to improve the quality of education and the overall relationship between education, skills development and the world of work.
These materials are the output of the Annual National Assessment (ANA) data-usage project, a combined UNICEF, Department of Education (DBE) and JET Education Services (JET) initiative. The goal of the project was: Improved quality of teaching and learning through effective usage of ANA data and reports.
The Initial Teacher Education Research Project (ITERP) was a five-year research project which started in 2011 and which focused on exploring issues around teacher professionalism and how teachers are being prepared to enter the educational labour market.
The President's Education Initiative Research Project was funded by DANIDA and managed by the Joint Education Trust on behalf of the Department of Education.
The President’s Education initiative (PEI) was launched in 1997 with President Mandela’s personal appeal to several foreign heads of government for assistance in developing teacher skills in South Africa.
The Primary Teacher Education (PrimTEd) project is a four year project of the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET). It is now in its close out stage. It forms a part of a suite of projects in the Teaching and Learning Development Capacity Improvement Programme (TLDCIP) that covers areas of Primary teacher education, TVET and Community College lecturer education, Inclusive education and Early Childhood care and education. It is managed by the Chief-Directorate for Teaching and Learning Development in the DHET. The programme is supported by the European Union.
The Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa's critical response to the Department of Basic Education's Mathematics Teaching and Learning Framework launched in 2018
This is a set of draft study guides for students who are training to teach reading and writing in Primary Schools and particularly in the Foundation Phase. The guides can be used as self-study material and all include study short self-tests for each unit in each study guide. They are written in English but two of the guides, based on Sesotho and IsiZulu Reading Project material, make extensive reference to these two languages.