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Theme 6 Research Report: Ameliorating the Impact of Fake News on High School Learners during COVID-19 Theme 6 Research Report: Ameliorating the Impact of Fake News on High School Learners during COVID-19

Education Researchers Respond to The COVID-19 Pandemic. The primary purpose of Theme 6 (Fake news impacting school-age children [or targeting school-age children]: impacts on behaviour, risk, anxiety, and how to ameliorate) was to investigate high school learners’ awareness of fake or false news during the COVID-19 lockdown period in South Africa. A secondary purpose was to examine the types of fake news that exist and how each of these variously impacts on society. We also look at the skills needed in order to distinguish false news from real news. This document is a work in progress, and we hope that other contributions and further research will be undertaken in this field.

Meet our international intern: Leah Shapiro Meet our international intern: Leah Shapiro

JET Education Services annually facilitates an internship programme with the University of Pennsylvania, USA. This year, our internship programme will be held remotely due to COVID-19.

Commonwealth Researchers in Pursuit

#OpenupYourThinking has now provided more than 400 young researchers across 3 Bootcamps the opportunity to add meaningful contributions to not only the thinking around the implications that COVID-19 has on the education sector in South Africa, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and Commonwealth countries at a macro; meso; and micro-level, but on the pressures being placed on education systems using an evidence-based approach.

Teaching Practice: Guidelines for Initial Teacher Education Programmes Teaching Practice: Guidelines for Initial Teacher Education Programmes

A comprehensive guide that should be read as a supplement to the latest gazetted edition of The Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualifications. It seeks to bring about a common understanding of what comprises teaching practice and to ensure greater consistency in the workplace-based experience for all student teachers, given the centrality of that experience to the formation of the teachers of the future. This is a framework to build, maintain, and sustain a teaching practice partnership, which joins the needs of a university and local schools in the preparation of highly effective teachers to meet the needs of all learners. The document provides a clear blueprint for all involved in facilitating quality workplace-based placement experiences.