Evaluating the effectiveness of the Nal’ibali Reading for Enjoyment Campaign Supplements

Nal’ibali was established in 2012 as a reading for enjoyment campaign which aims to spark children’s potential through storytelling and reading and build a culture of reading for enjoyment in South Africa.

Nal’ibali promotes reading and writing in home languages and aims to encourage and nurture extant reading practices in homes and organisations which can, and do, contribute to literacy development. The campaign would like to see reading and writing rooted in children’s daily lives and for South Africa to become a nation of readers and story-tellers.


In 2018, Nal’ibali commissioned JET Education Services to undertake a formative evaluation to ascertain the effectiveness of the Nal’ibali bilingual reading for enjoyment supplement. The evaluation examined the following thematic areas: targeting; use; appropriateness: quality; messaging; and cost effectiveness in relation to the different distribution strategies used. 

The formative evaluation was undertaken to inform and guide improvement of the campaign and specifically the bilingual supplements.

Nal'ibali infographic.png


The detailed reports are available on the Nal'ibali website: Nal’ibali supplement: external evaluation