Themes horizontal logowhite background large.jpg Themes Theme 1: How governments are positioning, activating and supporting public institutions such as school systems in multi-pronged efforts to contain COVID-19. Karel | Jul 01, 2020 Theme 2: Harnessing ICT and innovative digital low-cost solutions while ensuring access, equity and safeguarding during and post-COVID-19. Karel | Jul 01, 2020 Theme 3: Access and Inclusivity in Education: Addressing the barriers for the most disadvantaged and marginalised in times of pandemics. Karel | Jul 01, 2020 Theme 4: Innovation & adaptation in times of necessity - reimagining education service provision in response to COVID-19 Karel | Jul 01, 2020 Theme 5: How higher education institutions respond to COVID-19, build resilience through research and knowledge creation, and find solutions to global challenges. Karel | Jul 01, 2020 Theme 6: Post-disaster schooling - rethinking education systems and building back better Karel | Jul 01, 2020 Theme 7: Models of non-school based learning spaces and practicum in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond, including non-formal education and youth work. Karel | Jul 01, 2020 Theme 8: Innovative financing mechanisms for the public education sector. Karel | Jul 01, 2020 Theme 9: How civil society/non-state actors are responding to the pandemic Karel | Jul 01, 2020 Theme 10: Educational leadership in times of pandemics: role of school principals Karel | Jul 01, 2020 Theme 11: Impact and implications of COVID-19 on the teaching profession Karel | Jul 01, 2020 Theme 12: Ensuring that progress towards gender equity and equality in education is not stalled Karel | Jul 01, 2020 Theme 13: Building resilience of education systems to address multiple threats Karel | Jul 01, 2020 Theme 14: Intersectoral approaches to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 on learning and well-being. Karel | Jul 01, 2020 Theme 15: Accelerated learning, pedagogical provisions, curricula and assessments in times of pandemics and emergencies. Karel | Jul 01, 2020
Theme 1: How governments are positioning, activating and supporting public institutions such as school systems in multi-pronged efforts to contain COVID-19. Karel | Jul 01, 2020
Theme 2: Harnessing ICT and innovative digital low-cost solutions while ensuring access, equity and safeguarding during and post-COVID-19. Karel | Jul 01, 2020
Theme 3: Access and Inclusivity in Education: Addressing the barriers for the most disadvantaged and marginalised in times of pandemics. Karel | Jul 01, 2020
Theme 4: Innovation & adaptation in times of necessity - reimagining education service provision in response to COVID-19 Karel | Jul 01, 2020
Theme 5: How higher education institutions respond to COVID-19, build resilience through research and knowledge creation, and find solutions to global challenges. Karel | Jul 01, 2020
Theme 6: Post-disaster schooling - rethinking education systems and building back better Karel | Jul 01, 2020
Theme 7: Models of non-school based learning spaces and practicum in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond, including non-formal education and youth work. Karel | Jul 01, 2020
Theme 10: Educational leadership in times of pandemics: role of school principals Karel | Jul 01, 2020
Theme 12: Ensuring that progress towards gender equity and equality in education is not stalled Karel | Jul 01, 2020
Theme 14: Intersectoral approaches to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 on learning and well-being. Karel | Jul 01, 2020
Theme 15: Accelerated learning, pedagogical provisions, curricula and assessments in times of pandemics and emergencies. Karel | Jul 01, 2020