The PSET CLOUD DigiTrans 2022 conference report
Work and learning in South Africa, very distant friends in a post-apartheid South Africa, are beginning to shake hands with the introduction of the Post-School Education and Training Collaboration and Learning Opportunities and Utilisation of Data (PSET CLOUD) project. JET Education Services (JET) and the Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services Sector Education and Training Authority (merSETA) have been the driving force of the project for the past three years.
Much progress and development has taken place since the inception of the project, and an inaugural virtual conference, DigiTrans 2022 Conference, was held on 28 February and 1 March. The theme, Building Bridges to Better Decisions, sums up the intention of the conference – to promote engagement, collaboration and partnerships with relevant stakeholders representative of citizens, civil society, the public sector and the private sector.