Webinar on Competencies for a Changing World in the South African context

Understanding the state of South African policy and practices surrounding the implementation of skills for a changing world


 Webinar on Competencies for a Changing World in the South African context

Date: 16th January 2023

Time: 15h00 – 17h00

Watch the recording here

We were joined by civil society and government counterparts discussing the skills, competencies and knowledge learners need to navigate the ever changing world that we live in. The webinar provided a snap shot of what these skills could look like in the South African education system and what is needed to successfully implement these in classrooms.

The Levers of Change Report – a scoping study commissioned by Save the Children, South Africa– was launched. This report unpacked the state of South African policy and practices surrounding the implementation of skills and competencies for a changing world.


  • 15h00-15h05                  Welcome and housekeeping:  F Walters, Save the Children South Africa, Education Advocacy Manager (moderator) 
  • 15h05-15h10                  Global view on breadth of skills:  J Cox, Save the Children International
  • 15h10-15h25                  Presentation on research report findings:  Zahraa McDonald, Researcher at JET Education Services
  • 15h25-15h55                  Panelists: Dr Mark Chetty, Director at Department of Basic Education, Ms Cheryl Weston, Educational Director at Department of                                              Basic Education, Dr Shirley Eadie, Founder & Head of Education Innovation
  • 15h55-16h40                 Opening the floor to comments and questions
  • 16h40-17h00                 Closing remarks:  Ms G Xaba, Save the Children South Africa, Programme Director

Blog article



Bridging the Gap for a Changing World

There is a growing global movement advocating to include a broader range of skills, competencies and values, beyond numeracy and literacy, in education policies and curricula. This movement manifested within Sustainable Development Goal 4 – “to ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning”. Since then, most countries around the world have acknowledged the importance of capacitating learners with a broad range of competencies. Read the article

Download the full report

Screenshot 2023-01-05 111131.png

View the infographic 

Bridging the Gap Infographic_Final.jpg