A lively discussion of the entrenched rate of illiteracy among Australian children which identifies a failure in the institutions teaching reading educators to accept evidence-based science on the effective teaching of reading which has five main components: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension..
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SACE presentation to the Joint Standards Working Group meeting of 30 August 2017
A brief report on the meeting of the Joint Standards Working Grouop meeting held on 30 August 2017. It includes a glossary for standards nomenclature as well as some guidelines for standards architecture.
A presentation made by Whitfield Green of the Department of HIgher Education and Training to the meeting of the Joint Standards Working Group on 30 August 2017
Presentation on the initial conceptualisations of the Literacy working group of PrimTEd on literacy teacher standards
This glossary was compiled by members of the Consolidated Literacy Working Group in the course of their working on various projects of the group. It has no definitional authority but it may prove useful to academics working in the education of language and literacy teachers.
Presentation by Gary Powell to a meeting of the Joint Standards Woreking Group on 30 August 2017
A brief summary of the objectives and specific sub-projects of the working group over the life of the PrimTEd project
Developing new teacher graduate’s ability to teach African languages and English First Additional language, with a special focus on reading
Knowledge management, including materials development, Monitoring and Evaluation liaison, communication, marketing and network coherence