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Global Teachers Institute TICZA Innovation Lab FLIP programme presentation by Fay Hodra, October 2021
TICZA Mentoring programme, presentation by Carisma Nell, October 2021
The nature of the JETStreaming capacity building programme in education research is in essence a combination of experiential workplace immersion and formal/collaborative training processes that seek to build self-driven, continually learning, social justice change agents in education research in South Africa.
Just a few days before Mandela day, I had the pleasure of not just going to Parliament but being there when members of parliament participated in the debate around the Department of Basic Education budget vote for 2019/2020.
An opinion piece about engaging more young people into the research world by our very own JETstreamer Lesedi Matlala
The South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association (SAMEA) held its 7th biennial conference at the Emperors Palace, Johannesburg, Gauteng from the 23rd to 25th October 2019, with the pre-conference workshops taking place from the 21st to 22nd October.
“I believe that every child deserves a better education in order to live a better a life.”
“Only after upgrading my matric and getting entrance into university did I begin to understand the concept of education or access to knowledge as a resource for lifting oneself out of the varying forms of poverty.”
“How I have been empowered to develop my capacity as a researcher during my JETStreaming experience.”
The JETStreaming programme aims to build social change agents in education research that contribute to the development and application of 21st century models for education that seek to reduce poverty and promote sustainable development.
Presentation by Carol Bertram (University of KwaZulu-Natal)LUMA conference, Finland, 28 Sept 2016. Research done by Lee Rusznyak & Carol Bertram
Fleisch B, Shindler J, Perry H (2012). Who is out of school? Evidence from the Community Survey 2007, South Africa. International Journal of Educational Development 32 (2012) 529–536.
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Diphofa M. (1997). Johannesburg: Joint Education Trust.