The illiterate brain: Learning to read and write during childhood influences the functional organization of the adult brain
Study showing that literate people have a different functional organization of the human brain and that learning the visual representation of language (and the ...
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Language and Literacy resources repository
The National Reading Coalition
Presentation on the work of the National Reading Coalition set up by the National Education Collaboration Trust and the Department of Basic Education's Read to ...
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Language and Literacy resources repository
The Primary Teacher Education (PrimTEd) Project: How did we get to the literacy standards?
Presentation made at the PrimTEd Annual National Dialogue on 17 October 2019 at Kempton Park. The presentation outlines the situation in the development of ...
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The remarkable inefficiency of word recognition
Looks at the whether objects are recognized by parts or as wholes and looks specifically at word recognition, finding that a word is unreadable unless its ...
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Language and Literacy resources repository
The Salzburg Statement for a Multilingual World
This statement, made by the participants in the Salzburg Global Seminar’s session on Springboard for Talent: Language Learning and Integration in a Globalized ...
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Language and Literacy resources repository
The science is clear about 'mother-tongue' education. So why are we attacking it?
Article noting the contradiction between empirical research evidence backed up by the constitutional support for mother-tongue instruction with the current ...
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The Threshold Project
A major study conducted in the late 1980s into the nature of the language and learning difficulties experienced by Grade Five learners when the medium of ...
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Language and Literacy resources repository
Tool for childlit lessons in Setswana HL.pdf
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Work Integrated Learning resources repository
Towards a common terminology and architecture for standards developed by PrimTEd for literacy and mathematics ITE
A revised version of a working document produced in PrimTEd outlining a set of common terminology to be used in drafting standards by the working groups as ...
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Literacy teacher standards
Towards an ITE literacy teacher curriculum: Component content descriptions
The purpose of this set of Content Descriptions is to provide a resource for curriculum developers in higher education institutions engaged in developing or ...
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Curriculum frameworks
Literacy curriculum frameworks