Authors: PrimTEd Mathematics Working Group for geometry and measurement
Published: 2019
Reference: Primary Teacher Education Project. 2019. Draft framework for a teaching unit: Measurement. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, Primary Teacher Education Project, Geometry and Measurement working group
Primary Teacher Education Project. 2019. Draft framework for a teaching unit: Properties. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, Primary Teacher Education Project, Geometry and Measurement working group
Primary Teacher Education Project. 2019. Draft framework for a teaching unit: Transformations. Pretoria: Department of Higher Education and Training, Primary Teacher Education Project, Geometry and Measurement working group
Draft teaching units for Intermediate phase teacher education have been prepared by PrimTEd's Mathematics working group looking at developing a new teacher graduate’s ability to teach geometry and measurement. The units go beyond what is required by prescribed school curricula for the Intermediate Phase learners, but should allow pre-service teachers to be well equipped, and approach the teaching of Geometry and Measurement with confidence
Keywords: Materials, Geometry, Measurement, Mathematics, Mathematics materials
Authors: Department of Basic Education
Published: 2012
Reference: Department of Basic Education. 2012. Numeracy. Numeracy handbook for Foundation Phase teachers: Grades R–3. CAPS edition. Pretoria: Department of Basic Education
A general guide that stresses a child-centred approach, thinking mathematically and emergent numeracy. Covers the main elements of the curriculum. Uses van Hiele’s levels of geometric reasoning. Makes somewhat labourious use of the term ‘social knowledge’.
Keywords: Materials, Mathematics, Mathematics materials
Authors: Fonseca, K. and Roberts, N.
Published: 2017
Reference: Fonseca, K. and Roberts, N. 2017. Geometric patterns and 3D objects : An Intermediate Phase training manual. Johannesburg: Kelello and University of Johannesburg
A training manual for a workshop for lead teachers, originally prepared for the Gauteng Department of Education. Has many detailed illustrated examples and exercises.
Keywords: Materials, Mathematics, Mathematics materials, Primary
Published: 2018
Since 2011 the Department of Education has produced free Mathematics workbooks for all primary education schools. These can be downloaded from the DBE website.
Keywords: Mathematics, Mathematics materials
Authors: Mostert, I. and Roberts, N.
Published: 2017
Reference: Mostert, I. and Roberts, N. 2017. Multiplicative reasoning: A Foundation Phase training manual. Johannesburg: Kelello and University of Johannesburg
A training manual for a workshop for lead teachers, originally prepared for the Gauteng Department of Education. Has many detailed illustrated examples and exercises.
Keywords: Materials, Mathematics, Mathematics materials, Primary
Authors: Bowie, L. and Venkatakrishnan, H.
Published: 2017
Reference: Venkat, H. and Bowie, L. Wits Maths Circles: Teaching ideas and problem-solving tasks for primary mathematics. Johannesburg: Wits Maths Connect – Primary Project
Annotation: This is a collection of articles by Lynn Bowie and Hamsa Venkatakrishnan from a Mail and Guardian supplement, The Teacher, which is no longer operating. The short (one or two page) articles cover the following topics and include sets of problems to be done (solutions are provided at the back of the book):
• Whole number
• Fractions and decimals
• Proportional reasoning
• Patterns
• Fluency, reasoning and problem solving

Keywords: Mathematics, Mathematics materials, Primary, Materials
Authors: University of the Witwatersrand School of Education
Published: 2017
Reference: University of the Witwatersrand School of Education. 2015. Wits School of Education Mathematics videos. Johannesburg: University of the Witwatersrand School of Education
A series of video programmes for use in initial teacher education produced by the Wits School of Education as part of a European Union funded project managed by the Department of Higher Education and Training
Annotation: The contents of the materials
The video programmes cover ten topics:
- Developing number sense in the Foundation Phase
- Development of Fundamental Numeracy Skills
- A practical introduction to the teaching of addition
- Teaching of addition
- Introducing the number line
- Subtraction using a number line
- Problem solving using a number line
- Learning to love fractions
- Key concepts in the Foundation Phase maths curriculum that underpin the Intermediate Phase curriculum
- Mathematics in multilingual classrooms
The material for each topic comes in two folders, a main folder and a folder with additional resource material.
The material in each folder usually comprises:
• a title page
• a pdf (often a ‘Read Me Please’ file)
• an mp4 video file (These videos may be copied for educational purposes but the videos may not be placed on YouTube or on a public website).
• a MS Powerpoint presentation (pptx) with embedded video clips, which when played as a slide show, allows you to click on a visual and play the associated video clip). You can re-assembled the presentation in any way you choose to best meet your particular requirements.
• a MS Word file (docx) with an index to the video clips with their timing.
• a MS Word file (docx) with resource material on how to use the material in a class with discussion questions, etc.
Please note well:
Although the videos in the main folder may be copied for educational purposes they may not be placed on YouTube or on a public website. There are no restrictions on the use or distribution of the material in the resource material folders.
How to download and use the materials in each folder
Decide which of the folders listed below you wish to download (e.g. Developing number sense in the Foundation Phase).
Create a new folder on your computer with this name.
Follow the link below to the folder. You will see a list of files.
Download all these files to the folder on your computer.
WARNING: Please remember that the video files (mp4) will take a long time to download because the files are very, very large.
Open the files using the appropriate software ( Microsoft Word for docx files, Microsoft Powerpoint for pptx files, and Adobe Reader or your browser to open Adobe Acrobat pdf files.
The Folders

Keywords: Mathematics, Mathematics materials, Primary, Materials
Authors: Moll, I. (Ed.)
Published: 2006
Reference: Moll, I. (Ed.). 2006. Fundamentals in ECD – Mathematical Literacy. Learner’s Manual. Johannesburg: South African Institute for Distance Education
Moll, I. (Ed.). 2006. Fundamentals in ECD: Mathematical Literacy. Trainer’s Manual. Johannesburg: South African Institute for Distance Education
Zenex Foundation materials designed by SAIDE, Woz’obona and COUNT on Fundamentals for Mathematical Literacy at NQF Level One, in English. It uses a problem centred approach. The materials were originally designed for ECD practitioners studying at NQF Level 1 (meeting the requirements of eight NQF level 1 unit standards to gain a qualification in Mathematical Literacy - Unit Standards 7451, 7449, 7463, 7453, 7461, 7450, 7448, 7464, 7447). The materials may also be useful for those studying at NQF Level Four, who need a bridge to the study of mathematical literacy at that level. Zenex and SAIDE are of the strong view that these materials should only be trained by trainers who have an appropriate level of Mathematical Literacy themselves, and that these trainers should receive training in the use of the materials. The course comprises learner and trainer materials.
Keywords: Materials, Mathematics, Mathematics materials, Early childhood development (ECD), Primary