Accessing Foundation Phase literacy resources in all our official languages, focusing on African languages
Presentation made to a PrimTEd seminar in February 2020 that outlines the Molteno Institute’s work on graded readers basic on the phonics of South African languages as well as briefly describing other resources (ZENEX, EGRS 2 and the Department of Basic Education’s new National Framework for the Teaching of Reading in African Languages in the Foundation Phase). Katz PrimTEd VB website-EGRS 2-Framework 07-02-2020_Page_02.jpg
Accessing Foundation Phase literacy resources in all our official languages, focusing on African languages
Presentation made to a PrimTEd seminar in February 2020 that outlines the Molteno Institute’s work on graded readers basic on the phonics of South African languages as well as briefly describing other resources (ZENEX, EGRS 2 and the Department of Basic Education’s new National Framework for the Teaching of Reading in African Languages in the Foundation Phase).