Zenex Fundamentals in Early Childhood Development – Communications
Zenex Foundation materials designed by SAIDE and Woz’obona on Fundamentals for Communications at NQF Level One, in English. It uses a problem centred approach. The materials were originally designed for ECD practitioners studying at NQF Level 1 (meeting the requirements of five NQF level 1 unit standards to gain a qualification in Communications (Unit Standards 12462, 119641, 119631, 12469, and 119636) to gain a part qualification in Early Child Development at NQF Level 1). The course comprises learner and trainer materials.
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Zenex Fundamentals in Early Childhood Development – Communications
Zenex Foundation materials designed by SAIDE and Woz’obona on Fundamentals for Communications at NQF Level One, in English. It uses a problem centred approach. The materials were originally designed for ECD practitioners studying at NQF Level 1 (meeting the requirements of five NQF level 1 unit standards to gain a qualification in Communications (Unit Standards 12462, 119641, 119631, 12469, and 119636) to gain a part qualification in Early Child Development at NQF Level 1). The course comprises learner and trainer materials.