Early Grade Reading Study (EGRS)
This research study sought to examine the results of three interventions to improve teachers’ instructional practice – one with block training twice a year (which included provision of scripted lesson plans, materials and training), another with the same block training and ongoing support from a reading coach, and a third involving parents. The intervention with reading coaches was found to be a critical component in the persistence of gains.
https://admin.jet.org.za/clearinghouse/projects/primted/resources/language-and-literacy-resources-repository/egrs-infographic.pdf/@@download/image/EGRS infographic.jpg
Early Grade Reading Study (EGRS)
This research study sought to examine the results of three interventions to improve teachers’ instructional practice – one with block training twice a year (which included provision of scripted lesson plans, materials and training), another with the same block training and ongoing support from a reading coach, and a third involving parents. The intervention with reading coaches was found to be a critical component in the persistence of gains.