Teaching Reading (and Writing) in the Foundation Phase: a concept note
Provides a detailed outline of a potential Foundation Phase teacher training course on how to teach reading. After providing some information on the state of reading in South Africa and the need for the proposed course, the Concept Note outlines (1) what such a course should entail as far as content is concerned, (2) how the course should be structured, delivered (modality) and assessed, (3) how it could be accredited, and (4) how it should be evaluated.
https://admin.jet.org.za/clearinghouse/projects/primted/resources/language-and-literacy-resources-repository/resep_zenex-teaching-reading-writing_email.pdf/@@download/image/RESEP_Zenex Teaching Reading&Writing.jpg
Teaching Reading (and Writing) in the Foundation Phase: a concept note
Provides a detailed outline of a potential Foundation Phase teacher training course on how to teach reading. After providing some information on the state of reading in South Africa and the need for the proposed course, the Concept Note outlines (1) what such a course should entail as far as content is concerned, (2) how the course should be structured, delivered (modality) and assessed, (3) how it could be accredited, and (4) how it should be evaluated.